It sounds to me like everything is going 100 mph over there, I bet the Temple with Court was awesome! Milton-Freewater is just as cold as ever haha, although today actaully feels pretty good. I dont know if the cold is the culprit but I have been having pretty bad headaches the past couple weeks. I think I am just so used to the sun trying to kill me that now that its backed off my body is freaking out.But other than that its great over here! We have a teaching pool of like 16 people! And we find new people every week! A couple weeks ago we were at the church building trying to talk to Bishop but there was a 17 or 18 year old girl there with her 20 or so year old boyfriend. Stephanie was waiting to talk to the Bishop and so when she went it we started to talk to the guy. His name is Tavis and he isnt a member, awesome awesome guy. Stephanie might have Pancreatic Cancer and so they were over there to see if they could get some help. We talked to him and he said that he was up for us coming over sometime and sharing a little bit with him. So last night we went over, Elder Fowlke had the idea the night before, so we went over and it was just Tavis and Stephanie there, his parent were out of town. Her parent live in Bend Oregon and she lives there with his family. So they invited us in and we talked for a bit and then we taught Tavis the Restoration. Stephanie was a huuuuge help. We asked what she though of Joseph Smith, and she being quite inactive, this was a big gamble haha. But she said she believed that he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, I was just like 'phew' haha. She really helped with the lesson and helped him to understand it all. Tavis's ancestors are all Roman Catholic so he said he wants to look into that as well, but he thought everything we taught was very "interesting" and he said he felt very peacful about it. He said he would read and pray, as we left we knew what Stephanie and Tavis would be talking about for the next little while. It was just a great lesson.
Also this week, we have really focused on talking with everyone...EVERYONE haha. And if anything it has taught me that not everyone is scared of us haha, some people will actually stop and talk...some people haha.
And on Sunday there was a lady who came in to Sacrament with her daughter, her mom, and her nephews. We had no clue who this lady was, if she was a member or not, no clue. But she was singing the hymns so that was a good indicator haha, and then she got up to give her testimony... She said that missionaries had stopped by her garage sale in July and talked to her, she wasnt interested at all, and she even through away the card they gave her haha. She was going through some very tough things at that time and she said even just before coming outside she had been crying. A week or so later they moved to Idaho...not a good place for running from the Mormon's ;) As they were driving she was listening to the radio and it was talking about God, and His plan and all kinds of other things and she just loved it! And then she found out it was an LDS station HA! So they got to Idaho and allllll of her neighbors were members of course, she finally started to take the discussions and she, her daughter, and her husband were all baptized September 17th!!! The missionaries that talked to her first...were Elder Fowlke and Elder Bale!!! Elder Fowlke was just sitting there completly dumbfounded hahahaha! She said you never know who's life you will change just by opening your mouth. It was so awesome!!!
Wonderful week, and we have interviews with President Greer tomorrow and a half Mission Conference on Friday so this week will be even better!!!
Annnnnd we go to the Temple next Tuesday, I really cannot wait, 3 months is far to long to wait to go.
I cant believe I have already been out for 4 months...the time really does fly. One day we will look back and wish we had done some things a little differently, my mission will not be one of those. There is nothing quite like it, helping people come closer to their Father in Heaven...and coming closer to Him myself as a wonderful result.
Have a fantastic week family, enjoy the wedding, I expect pictures! Speaking of which, alot of the pictures I am sending this week are very old so hold on as I catch up with sending them haha.
Elder Dutson
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