Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week # 17

Hello there everyone!

So ya...I am in Oregon, its verrrry cold, and apparently its supposed to snow this week...so its only going to get colder. But the past two weeks here have been awesome. I got here on Wednesday the 19, and the very next day, at 6:32 AM we got a call from Bishop Wells, saying that Braden Harwood wanted to get baptized on Sunday...I thought 'well alright I like this area' haha. Braden is 17 and has been taught since about July. His dad is an inactive member since he was a teenage I think. Braden only didnt get baptized sooner because his mom didnt want him to rush into it. So I only met him once before the baptism...but I am counting it! Thats 2!!! ;) Also Braden's cousin Josh Jensen has been taught for the last few months as well, this past week we set a baptismal date with him for the 19th of November! Awesome guy, he is 22 I think, and his mom is an inactive member as well. We are hoping that their example will set of a chain reaction in their familys. Wonderful people though :) Yesterday we had a first lesson with a man named Christopher Tucker, he is a black man from Florida and is incedibly humble, just a super nice dude. He is dating a girl named Lisa who we are going to start teaching as well. At any rate we taught him about the Restoration and we asked him how he felt, he said that he felt good...and that while we were talking he felt a peaceful feeling. So we explained that that was the Spirit and that it was telling him that what we were teaching him was true. The Spirt was very very strong, and then Elder Fowlke explained baptism and why it is essential...and now he is on date to be baptized on the 26th! First lesson with him! It was so dang cool! It was one of those lessons that Return Missionaries tell you about, it was so cool!

So as you can see there are some pretty good things going on right now in Milton-Freewater. We find new people to teach every week and its awesome. We work with a lot of less active members of the Church and that is one of my favorite things about being out here. There are some wonderful people just waiting to be invited back!

Well family, I hope that the week goes well for everyone, break a leg with the wedding! Im stoked for Courtney to go through the Temple!!! That is our goal for everyone! Its the holiday season and missionaries just lovvvve a full mailbox ;)
Love you all,

Elder Dutson

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